These two windows were designed by Harry Grylls and tell the Christmas story.1
At the top of the northernmost window (12) is Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary with Mary.
The central figure in the three main lights is Saint Giles. In the other lights are four scenes from the Christmas story:
My soul doth magnify the Lord. St Anne and the Virgin Mary
Unto you is born this day a Saviour. Mary, Joseph with baby Jesus in the manger
I bring you tidings of great joy. Angels and shepherds
Lord, now lettest thy servant depart in peace. Simeon at the presentation in the Temple
At the top of the southernmost window (13) is the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus.
The central figure in the three main lights is Saint Hugh of Lincoln, holding Lincoln Cathedral. In the other lights are a further four scenes from the Christmas story:
All Kings shall fall down before him. The visit of the Wise Men
Out of Egypt have I called my son. The flight to Egypt
All that heard him were astonished. The boy Jesus at the Temple
He came to Nazareth and was subject unto them. Jesus as carpenter
1. Church Guide from 1950s